By Ebenezer Ishola
President Muhammadu Buhari has expressed appreciation for the many cards and well-wishes he received on his 80th birthday anniversary.
The president, however, said in a jocular manner yesterday, that his wish for a quiet day was denied by the staff, adding that: “I fixed the return journey from America on the day to avoid the celebration.”
Addressing the Chief of Staff, Prof. Ibrahim Gambari; Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Boss Mustapha and a handful of other personal staff who gathered at the Residence in the morning, “to make the president’s birthday an occasion to remember,” Buhari said a birthday was no more than just another day in the office.
In a fitting tribute on behalf of the personal staff, the Chief of Staff read aloud the card signed by them which stated thus:
“On behalf of the entire staff of the personal staff and my own self, we say ‘Happy Birthday’ to a worthy leader, father of the nation and our own father.
“Your Excellency was a star at the recently-concluded American-African Leaders Summit- recognition by your own peers and the leader of the international community.